"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is!"

– Mark Twain

Want to help out with our programs?​

Past volunteers have helped teach kids, directed the children’s choir, tutor and supervise, helped with the Step Team and worked to plan events.
Interested in volunteering?

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Looking to sign up?​

We offer childcare for elementary and middle school aged children and provide enrichment activities at our bimonthly meetings.
Come join us, no membership, no cost!

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Keep our network running!​

Cry of the Children accepts several types of donations to help the families we serve, including monetary contributions, food, clothes, and more.
Find out how you can help:



Want to help out with our programs?

Past volunteers have helped teach kids, directed the children’s choir, tutor and supervise, helped with the Step Team and worked to plan events.
Interested in volunteering?


Looking to sign up?

We offer childcare for elementary and middle school aged children and provide enrichment activities at our bimonthly meetings.
Come join us, no membership, no cost!


Keep our network running!

Cry of the Children accepts several types of donations to help the families we serve, including monetary contributions, food, clothes, and more.
Find out how you can help:

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”

– Booker T. Washington

Who We Are

In 1995 our program was formed and we had met our first person affected by the Cry of the Children, Shakay Norris. After that, we grew from a simple STEP dance team into so much more. Cry of the Children Inc is now a fully-fledged non-profit that works in the Bloomington Community to help those in need and provide new opportunities for children who need them.

five women smiling together

Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face.”

– Carol Moseley-Braun

woman teaching three children in classroom

What We Do

In collaboration with local community organizations, schools and parents, Cry of the Children seeks to help youth obtain the tools they need to build and maintain successful relationships with parents, teachers and the larger community of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana.

“My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice of God in their own hearts”

– Andrew Young


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Testimonial – Mindy L. Mayes

When thinking of someone who’s a superwoman within the Bloomington Community Mrs. Dellsie Boddie, executive director of Cry of the Children Inc. comes to mind. As the founder and executive director, Mrs. Boddie makes it her personal mission to help youth within the community that others may turn their back on and/or not help. Every thanksgiving she and Cry of the Children provides a full Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless and low income within the Bloomington community. She has continued the giving back to youth and feeding the hungry tradition by offering a workshop on nonviolent protest for the youth; as well as a meal to one of the battered women shelters as her and Cry of the Children “Day on not a Day Off” Project for MLK Day.

Testimonial – Kamal Polk

I had a chance to interview someone who I see as being a person who gives a lot of her time to helping make better place for people to live in. She is caring person who is willing to help the people that need help, mostly children. Mrs. Boddie has a unique way of expressing herself when you talk to her about something that has really affected her in any way. Mrs. Boddie is a very spiritual person and brings that into her working skills. She loves helping youth from different avenues in leading them into a positive journey.

Testimonial – Felicia Hopkins

During High School at a point when there were not many activities for black girls, my friends and I decided to create an activity of own (Step Team) where the saying “North Side” started. Mrs. Boddie helped us find a practice space, drove us to and from practice, and eventually helped us become a well anticipated group who performed at basketball half times at Bloomington North through out our remaining high school years.

Cry of the Children/Mrs. Boddie was a instrumental part of me adolescence. These were lessons that I’ve carried over into adulthood and apply to my life daily.

Who knows where I would be or what I could have become with Cry of the Children, Inc. I am forever grateful for Mrs. Boddie’s unconditional love, wisdom, and unwillingness to give up on her children.

Want to learn to build robots? Or just looking for some electronic fun? Join us! Cry of the Children is starting our 1st ever robotics club. Contact us today to find your team. There may be an opportunity for a summer robotics workshop.
Step Team. Our step team strengthens character, develops long term, meaningful relationships, enhances physical conditioning and is fun! Come be a stepper: Learn new steps, create your own routines, then try out for competitions! Let your creativity shine! The team will also perform at local schools. Contact us for more information.